Who am I?

Salut! My name is Meraldo. I’m a data scientist based in Singapore. I am passionate about NLP, deep learning, Big Data and current affairs. I am also an avid linguist and traveler. I speak fluent Indonesian and English and have intermediate-to-high proficiency in Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese, German and Malay. Feel free to shoot me a message in any of those languages!

What do I do?

I’m currently working as an AI Apprentice at AI Singapore, where I’m building a chatbot that can respond to human questions and pinpoint a specific information within a document. I’ll be graduating from the apprenticeship in December 2019. Concurrently, I’m pursuing a Master in Analytics in Georgia Institute of Technology. I am halfway through the master program and am currently taking two courses: Modeling and Simulation and Big Data for Healthcare.

Which technical tools do I know?

  • Machine Learning: I use “standard” machine learning tools on daily basis. These tools include pandas, scikit-learn, numpy and XGBoost. In addition, in the past year, I have been using PyTorch for my main NLP project at AI Singapore. I have used and deployed PyTorch-implementation of state-of-the-art NLP models such as BiDAF, ELMo and BERT. I have also learned Tensorflow/Keras before.
  • Data Visualization: I regularly use standard Python visualization libraries such as matplotlib and seaborn, although my personal favorite is plotly and dash. I made the interactive visualization below using plotly. I have also built several dashboards using Tableau and Google Sheet.
  • Big Data: I am currently taking a course on Big Data, in which I am learning about Spark (both PySpark and Scala) and Hadoop ecosystem. I am working towards getting Hortonworks/Databricks certifications of these technologies in October 2019.

What did I do before?

Prior to AI Singapore, I worked as a Senior Analyst at Datarama, a start-up that uses AI to streamline due diligence processes. In Datarama, I led the Southeast Asia due diligence team and contributed to the development of Datarama’s AI-powered due diligence platform.

  • Blog. This website serves as a repository of projects I’ve undertaken, quick tutorials I wrote to reinforce my learning and my reflection on being a data scientist. You can find a complete list of entries here.
  • GitHub page. The codes for some of my projects are available on my GitHub page.
  • Medium. I write regularly on Medium, especially on Towards Data Science (TDS), an AI-centered publication. I recently published a series of articles about BiDAF, an influential NLP model.
  • Tableau Public. I have also created some interactive dashboards using Tableau which I published on my Tableau Public page.

Lastly, feel free to download a pdf copy of my résumé, which contains further details about my background. You can contact me using the email on the sidebar; I am always open to discussions!